Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) Outbreak

Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) Outbreak

With the rising concern about the outbreak of the Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) and Influenza cases around the world, there are no natural mechanisms of protection in humans against to combat these infections.

We need to do our best to boost our immune system to better fight off potential infections. Aside from practising proper hygiene, the only possible way to reduce the chances of being infected and potentially reduce the severity of the symptoms is by boosting our body’s innate immunity.

With this in mind, MF PLUS offer safe immunotherapy programs to boost your body’s immunity for it to perform at its maximum best.

Download Preventive Immunotherapy Protocol – ENGLISH | CHINESE

Disclaimer: This Recommended Preventive Immunotherapy Protocol serves only to complement the general anti-epidemic and medical precautions advised by authorities. This protocol should not be deemed as a replacement for it.

For more information on the programs, contact us now at [email protected]

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